Wine Tasting Entertainment

Mario Lasagne was the entertainment at the Upper Goulburn Valley Long Lunch held at Mansfield Showground in the Pavillion on a lovely Autumn day last Sunday. As part of a 5 course long lunch with Wine tasting, Mario was presented as a special guest from Italy and proceeded to really get the crowd going and set the tone for a very enjoyable afternoon.

Susan Kinloch – Testimonial

“Thank you so much for making the effort to come and entertain our guests at the Long Lunch in Mansfield.  It was a huge success and everyone had a wonderful time.  You did make the day and I am so glad that you  are receiving other “gigs” as a result…I think the “joke” we played on the guests worked very well and set the tone of the rest of the afternoon… I am still getting emails and being stopped in Mansfield by many who attended saying what a wonderful afternoon it was. Shall certainly try and get you back for another occasion in the not too distant future.”